Pre-marital Screening (Thalassemia, German Measles, Hepatitis, etc.)


  • Screen for genetic diseases to make informed reproductive decisions.
  • Important check items include: German measles antibody, STDs, thalassemia, and hepatitis.

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As couples embark on their journey towards marriage and starting a family, understanding each other's health status becomes crucial for building a strong foundation. Our comprehensive pre-marital screening package addresses key health concerns including genetic conditions like thalassemia, infectious diseases such as hepatitis and German measles, and important reproductive health factors. Through thorough blood tests, genetic screening, and fertility assessments, we help couples make informed decisions about their future family planning. Schedule your pre-marital health check today with our experienced medical team to ensure a healthy start to your life together.

Pre-marital Screening (Per Couple)

Every year, many couples-to-be are busy preparing for their weddings, but pre-marital health checks are an important step that should not be overlooked! To build a better family, Quanren has designed a pre-marital health check plan specifically for couples, aimed at helping both partners understand each other’s health status and screening for hereditary and infectious diseases to ensure the health and happiness of their future family.

Why is a Pre-marital Health Check Necessary?

  1. Health Protection: Pre-marital checks help identify potential health issues, allowing future spouses to face health challenges together after marriage.
  2. Preventing Genetic Diseases: Understanding family medical history and the risk of hereditary diseases helps couples make informed reproductive decisions, reducing health risks for future generations.
  3. Promoting Mutual Understanding: The results of the checks facilitate communication between partners, enhancing trust and support for each other.

Contents of the Pre-marital Health Check

A pre-marital health check typically includes the following items:

  • German Measles Antibody Test: Checks for sufficient immunity to avoid infection during pregnancy.
  • Thalassemia Screening: Specifically for couples with a family history, to understand potential genetic risks.
  • Sexually Transmitted Disease (STD) Screening: Checks for the presence of sexually transmitted diseases to safeguard each other’s health.
  • Hepatitis Screening: Ensures there is no infection with the hepatitis virus, preventing transmission to partners after marriage.


Pre-marital Screening (Thalassemia, German Measles, Hepatitis, etc.)


More Information
Item Content
Life Style Evaluation – Weight
– Height
– Blood Pressure
– Pulse
– Body Mass Index
– Visual Acuity
– Color Vision
Blood Grouping – ABO Blood Group
– Rh(D) Typing
Blood Analysis CBC
– Hb
– WBC Differential Count
Thalassemia Screening – Haemoglobin Pattern, by HPLC (Thalassemia)
Renal Function Screening – Urine Routine
– Appearance
– SG
– pH
– Urine Sediments
Hepatitis Screening – Hepatitis A Virus Antibody (Total)
– Hepatitis B Surface Antigen (HBsAg)
– Hepatitis B Surface Antibody (HBsAb)
STD Screening – VDRL
– HIV Combo P24 Antigen + Antibody (I&II)
– Treponema Pallidum Antibody
– Chlamydia Antibody IgG
Male Only – Semen Analysis
Female Only – Rubella Antibody IgG
– Iron
Report Explanation – Report interpreted and explained by centre registered physician


Booking Process and Terms & Conditions:

  • Customers will receive a confirmation email for successful payment after purchasing a health check-up plan from the Trinity Medical Centre online store. Trinity Medical Centre will contact customers during subsequent business hours/days to schedule the health check-up appointment. Customers may also contact us for an appointment after order confirmation (Tel: 2192 7022 or Email:
  • This health check-up offer is exclusively available on Trinity Medical Centre’s online store and cannot be used with other promotions. It is non-transferable, non-refundable, and cannot be exchanged for full or partial cash value.
  • The health check-up plan is valid at Trinity Medical Centre in Central, Causeway Bay, or Tsim Sha Tsui. The offer expires 90 days after the purchase. Customers must undergo the relevant examination on or before the expiration date; the offer becomes void after this date.
  • For any inquiries, please call 2192 7022 or email
  • All service users must present identification documents and a successful payment confirmation email during the registration at the centre to be eligible for the service.
  • If a parent or guardian purchases the service for a minor, the service user must accompany the parent or guardian to the centre for the examination.
  • In case of any disputes, Trinity Medical Centre reserves the right of final decision.
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