[Referred by Hospital Authority | Up to 50% off on Radiology and Imaging Services]

Waiting times for non-urgent imaging diagnostic services in public hospitals are often very long, potentially delaying treatment when timing is critical. Quick access to imaging services is essential for patients to capture the best treatment opportunities.

Trinity Medical Centre is dedicated to providing high-quality imaging diagnostic services that expedite public access. We aim to assist healthcare providers in identifying necessary examinations and treatments, thereby safeguarding public health.

Exclusive Offer for Public Hospital Patients
With a referral letter issued by the Hospital Authority, patients from public hospitals can enjoy radiology and imaging diagnostic services at up to 50% off! Additionally, medical vouchers can be used in conjunction with this offer, ensuring that patients receive the best possible care at an affordable price.

Seamless Access to Services
Accessing Trinity's radiology and imaging diagnostic services is quick and easy. Diagnostic reports and images will be uploaded directly to the government's Electronic Health Record Sharing System (eHealth), significantly reducing waiting times at public hospitals.

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Book Your Appointment Today!
Don’t wait to receive the imaging services you need. Book now with our professional healthcare team below.
Take the first step towards timely and effective care at Trinity Medical Centre today!

4 Advantages of Choosing Us

  • Priority Booking

  • Express Report

  • eHealth

    Upload Images and Reports to eHealth

  • WelcomeHealth Care Voucher

    Health Care Voucher

HA Referral Up to 50% OFF Book Now

6 Major Diagnostic Services

We have the most advanced diagnostic equipment in the industry, providing you with a safe and secure quality check experience.


Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI)

  • No radiation
  • High-quality images
  • Fast 20-30 minutes to complete full-body scans, reducing scan time by over 80%
  • Extra spacious 70cm internal space

Computerized Tomography (CT)

  • High-quality images
  • Low radiation dose (1-2 mSv) ensuring patient safety
  • 0.27 seconds per rotation (more suitable for heart scans)

3D Mammography (Mammogram)

  • Detects 41% more invasive cancers
  • Reduces false positive cancer results by 40%
  • Reduces breast compression time
  • FDA approved
  • The first and only breast imaging device in the world that can guide tissue biopsies


  • 15 minutes to complete
  • Non-invasive painless
  • Images and reports completed within 24 hours

Ultrasound Scan

  • No radiation
  • Can detect problems with blood vessels and tissues
  • Non-invasive, no incision
  • High sensitivity elasticity imaging
  • No squeezing, painless check

Laboratory Test

  • Includes blood tests, immunological tests, allergy tests, tumor markers, heavy metal and trace metal tests, drug tests, urine tests, stool tests, microbiological tests, etc.
HA Referral Up to 50% OFF Book Now

Excellent Locations, Cozy Environment, Considerate Service

All Trinity Medical Centres are located near major MTR stations and have wheelchair access, making it convenient and easy to reach. We also provide private rooms and a ladies' area to ensure comfort and privacy.

  • Trinity Medical Centre (Central)

    Trinity Medical Centre (Central)

    22/F , Entertainment Building,
    30 Queen’s Road Central
    3 minutes walk from MTR Central Station Exit D2
    How to Go (Click to Enlarge)
    Trinity Medical Centre (Central)
    Service Hours

    Mon to Fri: 8:00 – 20:00
    Sat: 8:00 – 19:00
    Sun: 9:00 – 17:00
    Public Holidays: Closed

    Mon to Fri: 8:00 – 18:00
    Sat: 9:00 – 17:00
    Sun: 9:00 – 13:00
    Public Holidays: Closed

    Ultrasound, X-ray and laboratory testing services
    Mon to Fri: 9:00 – 18:00
    Sat: 9:00 – 17:00
    Sun and Public Holidays: Closed

  • Trinity Medical Centre (Causeway Bay)

    Trinity Medical Centre (Causeway Bay)

    20/F Emperor Watch and Jewellery Centre, 8 Russell Street
    3 minutes walk from MTR Causeway Bay Station Exit A
    How to Go (Click to Enlarge)
    Trinity Medical Centre (Causeway Bay)
    Service Hours

    Mon to Fri: 8:00 – 20:00
    Sat: 8:00 – 19:00
    Sun: 9:00 – 17:00
    Public Holidays:Closed

    Ultrasound, X-ray and laboratory testing services
    Mon to Sat: 9:00 – 18:00
    Sun and Public Holidays: Closed

  • Trinity Medical Centre (Tsim Sha Tsui)

    Trinity Medical Centre (Tsim Sha Tsui)

    15/F, Tower 5, China Hong Kong City, 33 Canton Road
    3 minutes walk from MTR Austin Station Exit E
    How to Go (Click to Enlarge)
    Trinity Medical Centre (Tsim Sha Tsui)
    Service Hours

    Ultrasound, X-ray and laboratory testing services
    Mon to Sat: 9:00 – 18:00
    Sun: 9:00 – 13:00
    Public Holidays: Closed



  • Please bring your previous imaging film(s) or/and report(s) for reference.
  • Inform our staff if you are or may be pregnant or breastfeeding.
  • On the day of the examination, please avoid wearing makeup
  • Inform our staff if you have any of the following:
    • Cardiac Pacemaker/Implantable Cardiac Defibrillator
    • Artificial Cardiac Valve
    • Orthopedic Prosthesis
    • Cerebral Aneurysm Clip
    • Cochlear Implant, Neurostimulator
    • Dental Implant or Brace
    • Surgical Clip
    • Tattoo
    • Other Metallic Implants or Prosthesis
    • Intrauterine Contraceptive Device (IUCD)
    • Previous Eye Injury with Possible Metallic Fragment

MRI Abdomen or MRCP or MRI Whole Body Scan Instructions

To avoid food or drinks for 4 hours before the examination. Regular medications can still be taken with small amounts of plain water

MRI Cardiac(Function/Perfusion/Viability) Instructions

  • To avoid drinking alcoholic or caffeinated product, e.g. coffee, tea, coke, chocolate, etc., for 12 hours before the examination
  • To avoid food or drinks for 4 hours before the examination. Regular medications can still be taken with small amounts of plain water, but if you are under this medication:
    1. Please bring any sprays or inhalers that you are taking to the scan appointment. If you are on any medication from your doctor please continue to take it as normal
    2. If you are taking medication known as Dipyridamole / Persantin or Nicorandil / Ikorel, please stop this for 24 hours prior to the scan appointment
  • Children and or patients suffering from claustrophobia may feel stressful and afraid in the MRI room, our radiographers will help you to feel safe and comfortable during the scan. This includes allowing a family member to accompany the patient, or schedule a visit to our facilities before the appointed scan

MRI Enterography Instructions

2 days before examination
Please take non-residue meals(e.g. Do not eat vegetables, milk product),liquid diets(e.g. Congee) and non-residue beverages (e.g. Water, tea, black coffee, light soup).Also, prescribed medication can be taken as usual

Day of examination
Fasting for 6 hours. Arrived 1 hour before to the appointment to drink oral contrast first
The examination require intravenous administration of an Antipasmodic (Buscopan or Glucagen)

CT Scan Instructions

  • Please bring your previous imaging film(s) or/and report(s) for reference
  • Inform our staff if you are or may be pregnant or breast feeding

CT Contrast Instructions

  • For patients with any known kidney disease, history of kidney procedure or history of diabetes mellitus, renal function screening ( e.g. blood test for Creatinine level, eGFR) within 6 months may be warranted before a contrast CT scan.
  • If you are on Metformin with eGFR above 30ml/min/1.73 m2 should continue taking Metformin. Patients with unknown eGFR or less than 30ml/min/1.73 m2, or who have deterioration renal function should cease Metformin for at least 48 hours from the time of the examination
  • Inform our staff if you have any allergies (especially towards contrast medium), asthma, eczema, diabetic or any chronic disease
  • Inform our staff if you are diabetic or taking the diabetic drug "Gluophage"

CT Coronary Angiogram(CTCA) Instructions

  • To avoid exercise, drinking, smoking, coffee, tea or coke 12 hours before examination
  • If you are an asthmatic and use an inhaler, please bring this with you when you attend your appointment
  • You should continue to take your routine medications as prescribed
  • Please bring the list of your current medication with you

CT Virtual Colonoscopy Instructions

2 days before examination
Please take non-residue meals (e.g. Do not eat vegetables, milk product), liquid diets(e.g. Congee) and non-residue beverages (e.g. Water, tea, black coffee, light soup). Also, prescribed medication can be taken as usual

1 day before examination
The examination does require Klean Prep preparation beforehand

Day of examination

  • To avoid food on day of examination, small amounts of plain water is allowed.
  • The examination require intravenous administration of an Antispasmodic (Buscopan or Glucagen) prior to gas insufflations via an enema tube

CT Enterography Instructions

2 days before examination
Please take non-residue meals (e.g. Do not eat vegetables, milk product), liquid diets(e.g. Congee) and non-residue beverages (e.g. Water, tea, black coffee, light soup). Also, prescribed medication can be taken as usual

Day of examination
Fasting for 6 hours. Arrived 1 hour before to the appointment to drink oral contrast first.

The examination require intravenous administration of an Antipasmodic (Buscopan or Glucagen)

Mammogram Instructions

  • Please bring your previous mammogram and breast ultrasound film(s) or/and report(s) for reference
  • You may need to undress to the waist, so wearing 2-piece clothing would be preferable
  • Inform our staff if you are or may be pregnant or breast feeding
  • To avoid use bath powder or oil, perfumes, creams or deodorants to the breast and underarm areas on the day of your visit
  • Recommend to perform 7 days after the last day of menstruation to minimize breast discomfort during the examination

Intervention (FNA/Core Biopsy/VAB) Instructions

  • Please stop blood thinner (e.g. warfarin, clopidogrel, dipyridamole, etc.) for 24 hours before the examination
  • To avoid strenuous activity, carry heavy object, or raising the arm on the same side of biopsy for the subsequent 3-5 days

Ultrasound Instructions

  • Please bring a list of your current medication and old film(s) with you
  • Wear loose, comfortable clothing, You will need to uncover the skin over the area to be examined. You may be asked to change into an examination gown

Ultrasound of Upper Abdomen, Liver & Gallbladder (LGB) Instructions

No food or drinks for 6 hours before the examination. Plain water is allowed.

Ultrasound of Whole Abdomen Instructions

No food or drinks for 6 hours before the examination. Plain water is allowed. If posssible, refrain from going to the toilet 30 minutes before the examination

Ultrasound of Pelvis, Prostate & Bladder Instructions

Drink plenty of water before the examination. If possible, refrain from going to the toilet 30 minutes before the examination

About Trinity Medical Centre
About Trinity Medical Centre

Compassion · Professionalism · Integrity

Trinity Medical Centre was established in 2016, is a leading provider of one-stop supreme Imaging Serviced, e.g., MRI, CT, 3D Mammography, Ultrasound, Cardiovascular, X-ray etc. We serve by providing premier quality and affordable health care service with compassion, professionalism and integrity, and believe that "Healthier People. A Better World".

2025 Health Check Offers up to 50% OFF
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