Our Team at Trinity
Trinity team are formed by healthcare specialists comprising of radiologists, radiographers, registered nurses and clinic assistants to ensure precise examination and diagnosis for every patient.
Meanwhile, we have a savvy hospitality consultant who had fruitful experience in 5-star hotels giving regular training to Trinity front-line staff.
The Trinity professional team is sensitive to patients’ needs and would take care of them every step of the way.
Our Affiliates
As a part of the medical sector, Trinity has close relationships with other excellent medical service providers:
geneDecode Canada is dedicated to empowering individuals and their families to learn more about themselves through genetic analysis and live life to its fullest.
Invitae is a genetic information company specializing in genetic diagnostics for hereditary disorders. It is aggregating the world’s genetic tests into a single service with better quality, faster turnaround time, and a lower price than most single-gene tests today.