Trinity Medical Centre is a leading Hong Kong-based healthcare facility that offers clients a comprehensive selection of medical services. We have state of the art ultrasound medical imaging centres located in Central and Kowloon.
An ultrasound scan is a painless procedure involving sound wave technology to create live imagery inside the body. Ultrasounds use high-frequency sound waves to enable doctors and other medical professionals to check for any problems with internal organs.
Another use for ultrasound technology s is to conduct checks on the developing fetuses of pregnant women. Ultrasounds are established diagnostic processes used in medical facilities throughout the world.
The primary benefit of having an ultrasound is that it’s a non-invasive procedure and, as such, isn’t painful or requires any anaesthetic. Medical staff don’t need to make any surgical incisions as nothing gets inserted into the body during the diagnostic session.
Another advantage of having an ultrasound is that it’s a safe procedure. Ultrasound equipment doesn’t emit any radiation, making it perfect for visualising a person’s internal organs and checking the health of a developing fetus in pregnant women.
Lastly, ultrasound procedures are relatively quick to complete; each session only takes around 30 minutes at the most.
Depending on the type of ultrasound you have, you may get asked to stop eating for several hours before your ultrasound test. That’s because undigested food in the stomach can block sound waves, making it hard for our team to get clear imagery.
You may be able to drink water and take any medication as usual if you have to fast before your test; our team will let you know before your appointment.
Other than that, there’s typically no additional preparation required. On the day of your ultrasound, you will get asked to lie down on a bed. It makes sense to wear loose clothing, as your ultrasound specialist will need to use a small detector device on your skin.
Before the ultrasound, the specialist will apply a thin gel layer on your skin at the test site. The gel prevents air from getting between your body and the detector device; air can reduce acoustic impedance and reflection.
Contact us today to schedule an ultrasound appointment.