Benefits of CT Scan

CT stands for computer tomography, and it’s a type of scan that’s revolutionised the medical industry. The purpose of a CT scan is to take pictures of the human body, showing images of internal structures. It uses similar technology to x-rays but improves upon the results you typically see. 

A CT scan will place the patient inside an x-ray tube that rotates around them during the scan. By doing so, it can take multiple images from different angles, which are sent and stored in a computer. The computer system takes the images and uses them to create a final CT scan image. 

There are many benefits of CT scans over traditional x-rays and other image scanning methods and it is used to diagnose a variety of conditions. Here are some of the key advantages of the technology:

Improved clarity of anatomy

A clear disadvantage of regular x-rays is that they display overlapping bodily structures. In a chest x-ray, the ribs are over the lungs and heart, potentially obscuring areas that need to be viewed. With a CT scan, this isn’t a problem. The multiple images eliminate overlapping structures, meaning you have a clearer view of the anatomy. 

Consequently, radiologists are able to view internal structures with more clarity, allowing them to learn more about them. It presents a clearer picture of an organ or bone structure’s size and shape, as well as density and texture. All of this allows medical professionals to reach better conclusions, offering more accurate diagnoses. 


Sometimes, to get clear images of structures in the body, cameras might be inserted into a patient. Needless to say, these invasive procedures are avoided wherever possible as they can be painful. The benefits of CT scans are that they aren’t painful and they are completely non-invasive. 

You will require an injection of contrast material to help provide clear images, but this isn’t painful or invasive at all. The whole procedure requires a patient to lie down in the CT machine, and the whole process is completed incredibly quickly. 

Identify multiple aspects of the body

One of the most substantial benefits of a CT scan is that it can show images of so many aspects and tissues of the body in one go. This includes:

  • Bone
  • Soft tissue
  • Blood vessels
  • Organs

All of these parts of the body are made visible in the image, improving a radiologists ability to interpret results and understand any abnormalities in the patient. 

Not as sensitive as an MRI

CT scans and MRI scans are often confused with one another due to the equipment looking similar. However, there are major differences between the two, largely revolving around the technology being used. An MRI scan uses magnetic fields and radiofrequency waves to generate images on a computer. While this has advantages, there are a couple of drawbacks that you won’t see with a CT scan. 

Namely, a CT scan is not as sensitive as an MRI. With an MRI, if a patient moves slightly, it can corrupt the results and lead to inaccurate images, so another scan is needed. CT scans aren’t disrupted by minor movements, meaning they deliver accurate results more often. Similarly, patients with implanted medical devices can’t have MRI scans because of the technology used. A CT scan can be applied to anyone, regardless of if they have medical devices inside them or not. 

Extremely fast & real-time imaging is provided

As touched upon before, CT scans have the benefit of being exceptionally fast. Not only that, but they also provide real-time images, which is highly beneficial. 

Both of these points mean that CT scanning is often used in emergency scenarios where fast images of an internal structure are needed ASAP. A quick scan can reveal serious problems – like internal bleeding – allowing immediate intervention to potentially save lives. 

What’s more, the benefit of real-time imaging means CT scans are often used alongside other treatments for more accuracy. They are commonly used in needle biopsies to guide the medical professional around an area of the body. 

With all things considered, the benefits of CT scans are diverse and powerful. This technology has changed the medical landscape by providing a fast and effective way of producing internal images of the body. While CT scans do expose patients to radiation, they have the benefit of not leaving any in the body after an examination – unlike x-rays. These scans possess a plethora of uses and are most commonly used to examine the chest, abdomen and pelvis.  

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