
【Sep Special Offer】Comprehensive Whole-body MRI & CT Health Screening


  • Limited Time Half-Price Offer
  • High-end Imaging Examination Items: Whole-body MRI Scan, CT Scan Coronary Angiogram, Throax Low-dose CT
  • Detailed screening for cancer tumors, cardiovascular diseases, and disease risks of important organs such as chest and lungs
  • Report interpretation by doctor and follow-up
  • Suitable for first-time or regular health check-up individuals
  • Exclusive to Central centre

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【Sep Special Offer】Comprehensive Whole-body MRI & CT Health Screening

Trinity Medical’s Comprehensive Whole-body MRI & CT Health Screening is suitable for individuals of all ages, particularly as an annual check-up. As a high-end physical examination program, it combines state-of-the-art equipment with comprehensive testing. The key components of the package include whole-body MRI scans, CT coronary angiogram and calcium score, cardiac risk screening, thyroid evaluation, liver-gallbladder-kidney function screening, bone metabolism assessment, hepatitis screening, and more.


Overview of the Key Components in the Comprehensive Whole-body MRI & CT Health Screening:

  • Whole-body MRI scans provide a detailed assessment of any physiological or anatomical abnormalities, including functional abnormalities in the heart, brain, and tumor detection. They can diagnose issues such as tumors, inflammation, degeneration, and stones.
  • CT coronary angiogram and calcium score can detect plaque and calcification in the coronary arteries, thereby evaluating the condition of cardiovascular disease and heart health.
  • Blood analysis and various organ function screenings assess various indicators of the body. Blood analysis evaluates levels of indicators such as glucose, cholesterol, gout, hepatitis, and bone metabolism. Organ function screenings assess the functionality of organs like the liver, kidneys, thyroid, and others. These screenings contribute to the early detection of potential health issues.
  • A comprehensive health assessment offers a deeper understanding of your health status. Trinity Medical’s healthcare professionals engage in thorough communication to comprehend your specific needs and areas of concern, enabling them to recommend the most suitable check-up plan for you.


Advantages of MRI and CT Scans:

MRI Scan:

  • Fully digitalized system with high-end image clarity.
  • Provides high-definition, isotropic neuroimaging for cerebrovascular diseases.
  • Clearly displays soft tissues.
  • Enables early diagnosis and assessment of tumors.
  • Offers a fast and non-invasive method for diagnosing vascular abnormalities.


CT Scan:

  • Significantly reduces radiation dose and image noise during examinations.
  • Provides high-definition images with low radiation dose.
  • Shortens scanning time and greatly improves image quality.
  • Effectively eliminates metal artifacts caused by orthopedic implants, making it suitable for individuals with metal implants.
  • Exceptionally high scanning speed, requiring only 0.27 seconds per rotation, making it particularly suitable for cardiac scans.


Please make an appointment immediately so that we can assist you in gaining a comprehensive understanding of your health risks and provide corresponding health management advice.


Health Check-up Plan Details:

【Sep Special Offer】Comprehensive Whole-body MRI & CT Health Screening

More information
Item Content
Whole Body In-depth Screening – Whole Body MRI Screening (excluding limbs) – plain
Computer Tomography – Coronary Angiogram
– Calcium Score for Coronary Angiogram
-Throax: Low Dose Screening
Blood Analysis Complete Blood Count
– Hb
– WBC Differential Count
Diabetes Screening – Glucose (Fasting)
– HbA1c
Cardiovascular Risk Screening Resting ECG
Lipid Profile
– Total Cholesterol
– Triglycerides
– HDL Cholesterol
– LDL Cholesterol
– Total/HDL Chol Ratio
Gout Screening – Uric Acid
Thyroid Assessment – Free T4
Bone Metabolism – Calcium
– Phosphorus, Inorganic
Hepatitis Screening – HBsAg
– HBsAb
Liver Function Screening – ALT
– Alkaline Phosphatase
– Total Bilirubin
– Direct Bilirubin
– Indirect Bilirubin
– Total Protein
– Albumin
– Globulin
– A/G Ratio
Renal Function Screening – Urea
– Creatinine
– Sodium
– Potassium
– Chloride
– Bicarbonate
Urinalysis – Appearance
– SG
– pH
– Urine Sediments
Gastrointestinal Assessment – Stool Routine (Ova and Parasite)
– Stool Occult Blood (Human Haemoglobin)
Life Style Evaluation – Health Questionnaire
– Physical Examination
Report Explanation – Report interpreted and explained by centre registered physician


Booking Process and Terms & Conditions:

  • Customers will receive a confirmation email for successful payment after purchasing a health check-up plan from the Trinity Medical Centre online store. Trinity Medical Centre will contact customers during subsequent business hours/days to schedule the health check-up appointment. Customers may also contact us for an appointment after order confirmation (Tel: 2192 7022 or Email:
  • This health check-up offer is exclusively available on Trinity Medical Centre’s online store and cannot be used with other promotions. It is non-transferable, non-refundable, and cannot be exchanged for full or partial cash value.
  • The health check-up plan is only valid at Trinity Medical Centre in Central. The offer expires on October 31, 2024. Customers must undergo the relevant examination on or before the expiration date; the offer becomes void after this date.
  • For any inquiries, please call 2192 7022 or email
  • All service users must present identification documents and a successful payment confirmation email during the registration at the centre to be eligible for the service.
  • If a parent or guardian purchases the service for a minor, the service user must accompany the parent or guardian to the centre for the examination.
  • In case of any disputes, Trinity Medical Centre reserves the right of final decision.