1. 一般條款及細則



  1. 醫療卡計劃

2.1 醫療卡會員資格


  • 擁有香港居民身份證、中華人民共和國居民身份證或護照;
  • 年滿 18 歲;未成年人士(2歲或以上、18 歲以下人士)須得到家長或合法監護人同意方可參加此醫療卡計劃。是否接納會籍申請由全仁醫務中心有限公司全權酌情決定;
  • 持有有效及獨特的電郵地址; 及
  • 現時未持有任何此醫療卡計劃之有效會籍。

2.2 參加醫療卡計劃



2.3 醫療卡會籍計劃



2.4 會期


  1. 使用會藉

3.1 向全仁及合作夥伴提供資料




3.2 驗證你提供的資料


3.3 使用服務的責任






  1. 全仁的合作夥伴


  • 同意合作夥伴適用於優惠或服務的條款及細則,並且必須遵守這些條;
  • 容許全仁向合作夥伴披露你的個人和敏感資料,反之亦然;
  • 自行承擔風險;
  • 同意你從全仁的合作夥伴獲得的任何優惠或服務均由全仁的合作夥伴而不是全仁直接提供;及
  • 必須直接與合作夥伴而非全仁解決優惠或服務的任何問題。


  • 任何合作夥伴的資格或專業知識;
  • 合作夥伴的任何行為、產品或服務,包括它們是否具可商售品質、適合任何特定目的或提供時是否行事謹慎;
  • 任何合作夥伴提供或通過本計劃提供的任何資料或建議;
  • 合作夥伴網站或其他平台的任何內容;及
  • 任何合作夥伴是否可提供任何產品或服務。
  1. 終止服務






  1. 全仁醫學美容


  • 此優惠只適用於全仁醫學美容;
  • 此優惠可在中環、銅鑼灣或尖沙咀全仁醫學美容中心使用;
  • 服務必須於會藉有效期內完成預約及療程;
  • 登記時必須帶同此醫療卡出示給前台;
  • 此醫療卡逾期無效;
  • 如有任何問題,請致電2192 7022或發送電子郵件至bd.team@trinitymedical.com.hk;及
  • 全仁醫學美容保留此活動最終解釋權


  1. 隱私權




“Trinity“ Medical Card Program – Terms and Conditions

  1. General terms and conditions

The “Trinity” Medical Card Program (the “Program”) is provided and managed by Trinity Medical Centre Limited (“TRINITY”).

The following terms and conditions set out the rules governing this Program (the “Terms and Conditions”). These Terms and Conditions are applicable within Hong Kong Special Administrative Region (“Hong Kong”) only and governed by the laws of Hong Kong. TRINITY reserves the right to amend these Terms and Conditions or suspend or discontinue the Program at any time without prior notice. All decisions made by TRINITY shall be final and binding. In the event of any discrepancy between the Chinese and English version of these Terms and Conditions, the English version shall prevail.

  1. Medical Card Program

2.1 Medical Card Qualification

To register a membership, you must meet all of the following conditions:

  • Possess Hong Kong Identity Card, Resident Identity Card of the People’s Republic of China or Passport;
  • At least 18 years old; individuals aged two or above, under 18 years require the consent of a parent or legal guardian to join The IAPA & Trinity Membership Program. Membership is accepted at the sole discretion of TRINITY.
  • Hold a valid and unique email address; and
  • Do not hold any type of valid membership under this Program.

2.2 Joining the Program

You can join the Program through TRINITY or TRINITY’s designated partners, and you need to register your membership through the website of the Program directly or with the redemption code provided by TRINITY or the designated partners. Once successfully registered, TRINITY will send you a confirmation email, which also means that you agree to and accept these Terms and Conditions.

TRINITY reserves the right to decide whether to accept your registration.

2.3 Medical Card Plans

You can check your membership plan through the website of the Program. Members of all plans can enjoy access to relevant services and benefit within the service provider network at discounted prices for unlimited times within the membership period.

You can decide whether or not and which, if any, of the benefits and services to use. Relevant benefits and services are provided by TRINITY or TRINITY’s designated partners, and each benefit and service may be subject to other terms and conditions. If you choose to use this benefit and service, you are bound by the additional terms and conditions of the benefit and service. If there is any inconsistency between these Terms and Conditions and those additional terms and conditions, the latter shall prevail. TRINITY can withdraw, suspend or amend any benefits and services at any time without prior notice.

2.4 Membership term

The membership terms are available for 12-months. If you do not renew your membership, you will cease to be a member on the expiry date. In the event you do apply to renew your membership, TRINITY reserves the right to decide whether to accept it.

  1. Using the Medical Card

3.1 Providing information to TRINITY and TRINITY’s designated partners

You must provide your membership number and other personal information requested by TRINITY and TRINITY’s designated partners in order to use the benefits and services. You must answer all TRINITY’s and TRINITY’s designated partners’ questions honestly and ensure that all information you provide is true, complete, accurate and not misleading. You must provide TRINITY and TRINITY’s designated partners with all information including any medical conditions that might be relevant to the benefits and services before you use them.

If you do not provide the information that TRINITY and TRINITY’s designated partners require, you will not be able to use the benefits and services.

You may be required to provide certain information online. No data transmission over the Internet can be guaranteed as totally secure. TRINITY does not warrant and cannot ensure the security of any information which you transmit online whether via the website of the Program or the partners’ websites. Any information which you provide via the internet is provided at your own risk.

3.2 Verifying the information you provide

TRINITY has the right to verify the information you provide, including by contacting persons (such as medical practitioners) referenced in the information you provide. You consent to those persons discussing you with TRINITY and disclosing your personal information (including sensitive information and medical records) to TRINITY. TRINITY may also ask you for further information or evidence to verify the relevant information.

3.3 Responsibilities for using the services

You use the benefits or services at your own risk. The benefits or services available and the information and materials provided to you through the Program may not be suitable for all members. You must use your best endeavors to ensure your own safety while using the benefits or services and to avoid harm to yourself.

The Program does not constitute medical advice and is not a substitute for medical advice or treatment. You should consult your doctor or the appropriate professionals independent of this Program in relation to your personal circumstances including any health or medical condition prior to joining this Program or using any of the benefit or services.

Information and materials provided to you through the Program may not be based on the most recent findings or developments and are not specifically tailored for any particular person. There could be health and wellness research that could render the information provided by or through TRINITY or TRINITY’s partners obsolete or in other ways not applicable. You must not disregard or change any treatment your doctor or other health professionals recommends to you as a result of the use of a service under this Program without first consulting that doctor or health professional.

In some circumstances, you may be required to enter into a contract with TRINITY’s partners to claim certain benefits or use certain services. TRINITY will not be a party to any contract between you and TRINITY’s partners, and TRINITY will have no liability in connection with that contract.

You must not use your Medical Card for illegal purposes, in any manner that is inappropriate, likely to offend others or fraudulent. TRINITY may take steps to verify the responsible use of your membership.

  1. TRINITY’s designated partners

Some benefits and services are provided by TRINITY’s designated partners. If you use a benefit or service from TRINITY’s designated partners or otherwise interact with them, you:

  • agree to the partner’s terms and conditions applicable to the benefit or service and must comply with those terms;
  • consent to disclose your personal and sensitive information by TRINITY to the partner and vice versa;
  • do so at your own risk;
  • agree that any benefit or service you obtain from TRINITY’s partners are supplied directly by the partners and not TRINITY; and
  • must resolve any issues with the benefit or service directly with the partners and not TRINITY.

TRINITY is not responsible or liable for and TRINITY does not guarantee, endorse or recommend:

  • any of TRINITY’s partners’ qualifications or expertise;
  • any of TRINITY’s partners’ actions, products or services including whether they are merchantable or fit for any particular purpose or provided with due care and skill;
  • any information or advice provided by any of TRINITY’s partners or through the Program;
  • any of the contents of TRINITY’s partners’ websites or other platforms; and
  • the availability of any of the products or services from any of TRINITY’s partners.
  1. Termination of the Medical Card

You may terminate your Medical Card by notifying TRINITY via 21927022 or send an email to bd.team@trinitymedical.com.hk. If your Medical Card membership is terminated, you will no longer be entitled to use any services under this Program. TRINITY will not refund any membership fee for the remaining term.

In the event you choose to terminate your membership, note that such termination may not release you from the performance of any other agreement, obligation or liability on your part with or owed to any other third party. TRINITY shall bear no responsibility in communicating your termination to such third party.

In the event you terminate your Medical Card membership and wish to re-apply for membership, TRINITY reserves the right to decide whether to accept your application.

TRINITY has the sole discretion to, in whole or in part, with or without notice, at any time unilaterally terminate the Program, or terminate your membership.

Membership will automatically be terminated in the event of a member’s demise.

  1. TM Aesthetics

Some benefits and services are provided by TM Aesthetics. If you use a benefit or service from TM Aesthetics, you agree to:

  • This medical card is only valid for TM Aesthetics;
  • The offer can be used at Central, Causeway Bay or Tsim Sha Tsui TM Aesthetics Centre;
  • All services must be booked and completed within the membership;
  • You must bring this medical card to the front desk when you register;
  • This medical card is not valid after expiration;
  • If you have any questions, please call 2192 7022 or email bd.team@trinitymedical.com.hk
  • TM Aesthetics reserves the right to amend the above Terms and Conditions without prior notice. In case of any disputes, TM Aesthetics reserves all rights for final decision.
  1. Privacy

TRINITY handles and collects personal information for purposes which include the administration of your Medical Card, the provision of services under this Program, business operations, for statistical, research and reporting purposes, and for other purposes set out in the Privacy Statement of this Program. Privacy Statement of this Program, available at the website of this Program, sets out how TRINITY collects, uses, handles and discloses your personal information and other important information.

By providing information to TRINITY or other representatives, or by continuing your relationship with TRINITY and otherwise interacting with TRINITY, you confirm that you have been notified of the matters and consent to the collection, use, disclosure and handling of personal information as described in the Privacy Statement available on the website of this Program, as updated from time to time.

You must ensure the accuracy of the personal information provided to TRINITY. If any of your personal information held in connection with your Medical Card is incorrect, out of date or incomplete, TRINITY can take reasonable steps to correct the personal information.