If you have tested positive for Covid-19, you may be wondering what you need to do in terms of isolating and avoiding contact with other people. The rules and regulations regarding isolation have changed considerably over the past two years. When the pandemic first hit, it was natural to expect everyone to stay at home for at least two weeks or until they had a negative PCR test so that they could prevent the virus from spreading. 

However, since then, a lot of people have had the vaccine, with many people even having a booster vaccination by this point, and so there are now different rules and regulations regarding isolation depending on whether or not you have had your vaccine. With this being said, in this guide, we are going to reveal everything that you need to know about how long are you are going to need to isolate after you have had a positive PCR test.

What should you do if you have had a positive test?

If you have tested positive for Covid-19, you do not need to wait for testing and government confirmation from the community testing centre or hospital. Instead, you can simply report your personal information, including your name, ID number, date of birth, and your close contact details, by calling the stay home safe scheme hotline In Hong Kong. You can reach this by calling 18 33019 or you can use the online reporting platform that the government has set up so that you can submit your test results.

The cases that are self-reported in this manner are going to be treated as confirmed cases. Healthcare officials will instruct you to isolate, and you must provide them with relevant details regarding your self-isolation. You will also have an electronic wristband and a test kit delivered to your place of residence.

In terms of how long you are going to need to isolate if you have had a positive PCR test, it depends on how many vaccinations do you have received. If you have already received two vaccinations, you will be required to isolate for either 6 or 7 days since you have contracted the virus. If you have a negative test within these days, you can go back to your normal daily life as soon as you receive the negative test result. However, if the test continues to be positive, you will need to stay in quarantine until you can produce a negative test. If you have not received any vaccinations yet, you will need to quarantine for at least 14 days.

Getting medical attention

If you have a confirmed case of Covid and you require medical attention and you are not able to stay at home throughout your quarantine period, you will be designated to either an isolation centre, a hospital, or a clinic. While your admission is pending, you should remain at home and you should observe the personal and household hygiene requirements. There are designated Covid-19 taxis that have been set up to help patients get to and from the venues mentioned. You can pre-book transport using one of these taxes. 

If you have noticed any severe symptoms while you are isolating, it is important to call for an ambulance as soon as possible so you can be admitted for treatment. Some of the severe symptoms that we are referring to include not being able to urinate, seizures, confusion, dizziness, severe muscle pain, pain in the abdomen or chest, and shortness of breath.

While it can be incredibly frustrating to need to isolate while you have a positive Covid-19 test, it is important that you do so. Remember, that isolation is just as much about the safety of other people as it is about the safety of yourself. If you were to come into contact with a vulnerable person and they were to contract Covid-19, this could be something that they would not be able to recover from. There is help that is available for people who are struggling financially because of the pandemic and their inability to work. If this applies to you because of a positive Covid-19 test, it is worth looking into your options to discover whether there is any financial assistance or sick pay that you may be eligible for to help during this period.